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West Point Grey Village
(604) 224-2322

Visual Field Testing

Visual Field Testing is Simple and Accurate, Allowing Us to Gain Insight Into Eye Diseases like Glaucoma and Neurological Conditions Like a Stroke or Brain Tumour.

What is a Visual Field Test?

Simply put, a visual field test is a test that allows our Optometrist to measure your vision acuity in your visual field (your entire field of vision, including your peripheral vision).

A visual field test measures:

  • How far up, down, left, and right your eyes are able to see without you moving your head
  • Your quality of vision in different parts of your visual field, including sensitivity and accuracy in your peripheral vision.

Our Optometrist will use some simple measurement equipment and lights to stimulate your eyes. The Optometrist will provide you specific instructions on where to look throughout the testing process.

During a visual field test, two basic procedures are followed:

  • Amsler grid test – A grid of perfect squares is placed in your field of vision. Your gaze will remain focused on a central point and will describe the condition of the square grid at various points in the grid.
  • The Amsler grid test provides important but limited perspective into your visual field.
  • Confrontation visual field test – This test gauges the performance and accuracy of your peripheral vision. While standing still, an object will be moved from outside of your field of vision towards the centre of your field of vision. You will be given instructions when to signal you see it, what you see, etc.


Due to the nature of a visual field test, trying to “do well” obfuscates information and actually makes the test less reliable.

The key to accuracy is carefully following directions provided by the Optometrist and being honest with your responses. The purpose of the test is to determine where in your visual field vision degradation or loss may be occurring. Accuracy is contingent on a properly performed test.

Visit Our Practice
At West Point Grey Village

West 10th Eyes is a conveniently located eye doctor's clinic on W 10th Avenue in West Point Grey village in Vancouver. Call us at
(604) 224-2322 to make an appointment or request appointment online with our Optometrists to talk about your eyeglasses, contact lenses or specialty lens needs.

Drop in anytime to browse through our large selection of designer eyeglass frames or sunglasses.

West 10th Eyes

4357 W 10th Ave
Vancouver, BC, V6R 2H6

Contact Information

Phone: (604) 224-2322
Email: info@west10theyes.com

Clinic Hours

Monday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Saturday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Sunday: Closed